Thursday, December 30, 2010

Are You Really You?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Do you see your beautiful face looking back at you?
Do you see the life you have lived so far?
Do you see the colour of your skin and the lines that may be there?  Or the lines that may show up one day?
Do you see yourself as others see you?
Do you see your strengths, your passions, your wishes and your dreams?

Look deeper.  It's time to see yourself as you really are.
The reflection in the mirror may not be what you are beautiful because you are you.

You are unique.
You are special.
You are amazing.
You are fabulous.
You are full of wonder and life and love and courage - sometimes you may just need to look a little deeper into the mirror to see that.

Don't hide behind other images of yourself.  Be true to who you are.
You are valuable.

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas
- filled with glitter, smiles and stars.

from the coaches at Solution Linx

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Exercise My What?

You know that you need to exercise...your body - and all its parts.
You also need to exercise your mind.
You can do both at the same time.
Exercise is amazing - whether its a great cardio workout on the treadmill or on the trails; or a super conditioning program with a personal trainer, exercise is rhythmic, focused and repetitive.  All of this takes the mind on a new journey and you can find that you are more relaxed and energetic at the same time when you finish your work out.

Planning exercise into your life can be challenging...but doing it, and keeping on track is rewarding both physically and mentally.  It's almost like giving yourself a gold star for your accomplishment - and you are taking care of yourself at the same time.

Need help getting focused on an exercise routine or simply fitting it into your busy life?  Visit Solution Linx for Health & Wellness to learn how online coaching can help you get focused and fit - mentally and physically.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quiet Moments

At this time of year, finding quiet moments can be difficult.  It is important though, to look for them, use them for what they are - a time to reflect or plan; a time to daydream or wish; a time to take a nap or enjoy the scene outside.

Quiet moments can help us quiet our minds.  Our minds are very busy all of the time...we make them work hard.  Quieting our minds is almost an exercise in itself.

Quiet moments can help us quiet our souls.  We need to find peace.  We need to live with grace.  A quiet soul works through restlessness with ease and brings us to our destination with calm.

Quiet moments can help quiet our bodies.  Give us rest.  Relax our muscles.  Move our ears and shoulders apart.  Rested bodies can give us energy to live fully and enjoy the quiet (and the noise).

Take your quiet moments.  Relish them.  Share them.  Give them to others.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reach Your Goals in 2011

The New Year is right around the corner...
Do you have a plan to reach your goals?
Are you starting to make resolutions...or know you won't because they don't last?

What if you could get 2011 started the right way?
With a plan in place to reach your goals?

Click here to learn more about the 100 DAY START UP.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Accepting Me for Me

Life is so full of goodness.
Look at these beautiful children.  I can almost hear the laughter.
I have been blessed with two wonderful children.  They are growing quickly into and out of their teen years.  What I have learned the most from them is to accept me for me.  I can be the best mom in the world or the worst - how I label myself is my choice.  I know that my boys accept me as I am - faults and all.  They don't see the pressure I put on myself to be so good at being a mom - the way I think I should be a mom. As well as juggle a business, extended family, community involvement and finding time for myself...the acceptance of my humanity hits me square in the eye sometimes.  And then I hear the laughter or see a look that my now grown children used to give me when they were little and I can picture them in their red plaid ball cap and cowboy boots - all attitude, love and smiles!

And I learned to accept me for me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Find Balance

Finding balance can be a challenge.
Do you feel like you are always on the top of a ball?
How about on the ball and juggling as well?
Life is like that.
Good NEWS~
You can take control and find balance.
It may sound easier than it is some days but try this:
  1. take a 5 minute break every 2 hours to breathe in and out
  2. at noon, use 5 minutes to review your accomplishments of the morning and plan your afternoon
  3. after dinner, take a walk - alone or with someone you love and share the fresh about the future
There are many more ways to find balance in your life.  And life changes everyday so your balance will too.  Balance is not about having equal parts to each thing in your life.  Balance is about having a good assortment of time allotted to the different components of  your life so that you can be flexible with your time and still be the whole you enjoying life.  Sometimes there may be a 30/30/40 split to your life...other times 25/25/10/ could go on and on - the key is that you do what is right for you.

Click here for a FREE Find ... Balance e-journal download and discover where you can find balance and keep track of your progress to creating a more balanced life.