Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quiet Moments

At this time of year, finding quiet moments can be difficult.  It is important though, to look for them, use them for what they are - a time to reflect or plan; a time to daydream or wish; a time to take a nap or enjoy the scene outside.

Quiet moments can help us quiet our minds.  Our minds are very busy all of the time...we make them work hard.  Quieting our minds is almost an exercise in itself.

Quiet moments can help us quiet our souls.  We need to find peace.  We need to live with grace.  A quiet soul works through restlessness with ease and brings us to our destination with calm.

Quiet moments can help quiet our bodies.  Give us rest.  Relax our muscles.  Move our ears and shoulders apart.  Rested bodies can give us energy to live fully and enjoy the quiet (and the noise).

Take your quiet moments.  Relish them.  Share them.  Give them to others.

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