Thursday, January 27, 2011

Move It, Move It, Move It

When you say 'Move it, move it, move it' say it with some in the movie 'Madagascar'.  They are dancing to a great beat..and the energy is flowing.  Do you  Move it, Move it, Move it?
Do you get your body out on the track or the dance flow and make it move?  Get your flow going so that you are sweating and breathing hard and enjoying the limits to which you can push your body.
You need to.
Your body needs to move.
Even if you are stuck sitting at a desk or driving for a living, you need to get up/out and move around.  Get the blood flowing, get oxygen circulating, get your muscling moving.
This all will help you clear your mind and find energy to finish your day.
Do it.  Go now.
Move it.  Move it.  Move it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Full Is My Cup

Everyone's cup is different and we look at our cups in different ways.  How do you see your cup?


Refillable or always Full?

Stackable - like you are juggling more than one cup?

Always full of rainbows and multi-coloured fun?

Or is your cup simply different from everyone else's so the measurement would be too?  In this case, your measurement would rely on 'draining the cup' or 'missing the cup'.

What is your cup like today?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ready to Change

You are ready to change.  You have made a decision to do something new...different...not like the routine you have today.  You feel ready but you know you would do much better if you had some support.

How about a bi-weekly group coaching teleconference that could keep you focused on your goal of 'change'.  Group coaching calls can help you gain knowledge from the experiences of other, get support from other working to change too, or even learn from the roadblocks of people that share your goal.  Group coaching is a great way to experience coaching before heading into a one-on-one situation.

Group coaching calls start quarterly on topics like change, creating a new vision and even getting control of you time.  Click here to learn more.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Attract Positive Energy

Are you an energy magnet? 
Do you attract positive energy or negative energy?

I am sure that you would prefer to attract positive energy.  Like attracts like, right?
You are a positive person, you should be attracting positive people to you.  If not, what's up?
What kind of negative or toxic energy are you emitting?  Why?  What's causing it?

You can be successful analyzing this on your own.  You can be more successful analyzing it with a coach - online or with personal health and wellness coaching. 

A coach can help you see what you may be doing to attract the wrong type of energy.  A coach can help you understand the roadblocks that you are placing in your own way.  A coach can provide you with new perspectives that will bring you more positive energy.  Click here to learn more about coaching.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Series New Year

Inspiration can be just a click away.  Click the image and learn about a facilitated discussion series that can help inspire you to be the leader you always wanted to be..and know is in you.
Wellness and state of mind go together.  When you are acting with your values and living an authentic life, you enjoy listening to speakers who focus on topics that interest you.  Leadership - personal leadership is who you are, why you are and what you do. It is service - whether in business, in your family or in your community. 

Be the one to make a difference.  Be the one to inspire change.  Be the ONE.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's the New Year!

Many blessings for a fabulous 2011!

from the coaches at Solution Linx