Thursday, January 27, 2011

Move It, Move It, Move It

When you say 'Move it, move it, move it' say it with some in the movie 'Madagascar'.  They are dancing to a great beat..and the energy is flowing.  Do you  Move it, Move it, Move it?
Do you get your body out on the track or the dance flow and make it move?  Get your flow going so that you are sweating and breathing hard and enjoying the limits to which you can push your body.
You need to.
Your body needs to move.
Even if you are stuck sitting at a desk or driving for a living, you need to get up/out and move around.  Get the blood flowing, get oxygen circulating, get your muscling moving.
This all will help you clear your mind and find energy to finish your day.
Do it.  Go now.
Move it.  Move it.  Move it!

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